Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Sixth Day

Everything was perfect, until God made man. Then the world was whole.

Since I was a child I have always wondered why I exist.
What do other people feel?
If we are happy, do we ever feel the same kind of happiness?
What are they thinking?
Am I alone?
Are they real?
What will happen if I die?
What will happen to all my thoughts and memories?

Even then, a believer of the supernatural and such (I feared them, too), I knew that ghosts don't have brains that store memories. No, they don't even have a heart. Even if materialists find out that ghosts are indeed made up of matter, that would not mean they already have the cells that store and retain memories from being human.

Then it came to me - the brain is not the only thing that stores memories. In fact, it might just be serving as the RAM of our bodies. Nah, what a comparison. But yeah, something like that. I believe that our spirit - immaterial as it can be - carries memories, too. Not just simple memories of days and occasions, but of all we have experienced and learned in life. It carries a much valuable kind of memory.

Now why did God let that be?

I guess because, as God is the most Holy Spirit, and He made us in His image, then He breathed in us our spirit. Each and everyone of us. And that's what makes us special among all His creations.

Remember that before He made us, He already made all other things - the light after dark, the sky and the sea, the trees, the birds - everything we would need to live. And if you may have noticed, they are all just perfect! The way they live, even without the capacity of our brain - they have the basic instincts, and they live harmoniously, not only with their fellow species but with the whole world! But us? I think we are the most imperfect creation, but we are the most beautiful.

Why did God let that be - us, imperfect?

Because He meant us to be with Him. We just borrowed His breath - this life - and then He wants us to be with Him. Just as C.S. Lewis explicitly said in The Screwtape Letters, it is hard to understand why God would make us humans, give us Free Will, when He wants us to worship Him at all times. Well, that's another story.

As of now, let's just be happy and thankful we are existing. I don't want to say we own the world - all of us are but part of it. But we should be happy.



I hope this will work out.
A blog that will serve as a bank for good vibes.

What I think, what I feel.

Not because a post is dark means it is not in line with what I want. I just want to start again, even if it's already the nth time.